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EN 12820-2002 地下储存容量大于13立方米的液化石油气储罐的检验和重新质量验证;德文版本EN12820:2002

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-29 05:10:18  浏览:8811   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE ARP4259
Title:Metabolic Simulator Testing Systems for Aviation Breathing Equipment
Issuing Committee:A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
Scope:This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes test equipment and methods used for testing closed cycle or semiclosed cycle breathing devices of short duration that are designed to operate with a high partial pressure of oxygen in the breathing circuit. It is intended to supplement ARP1109 and ARP1398 for applications involving closed cycle or semiclosed cycle breathing equipment which may be evaluated to the requirements of AS8031 and/or AS8047.
